Here, you will find the hottest news, links and interviews surrounding the Bayou Bengals. Football is just around the corner and we will find out what the Purple and Gold have in store for LSU fans next season. On the site, we will also post news and columns from around NCAA Football. After two uneventful seasons since the 2007 National Championship, this year will be a make or break season for LSU Football.
Though HKT will focus mainly on what happens on the gridiron and diamond, other sports will be covered.
As far as the look of the site is concerned, please be patient as I try to work out the bells and whistles. I am presently learning HTML/coding techniques to make the site work to its fullest capabilities.
This site will be very user friendly. Feel free to contact me by any means possible at or follow us on Twitter @HardKnockTigers.
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